Using a combination of different nudges such as commitments, reminders, salience and hassle simplification could increase a household’s uptake of composting.
Using behaviorally-informed reminders can increase the probability of individuals with hypertension to seek medical attention.
Alerting customers to environmental concerns and the choice of contributing to the solution can prompt them to reduce their demand for plastic cutlery, and therefore eliminate waste.
Using transparent donation boxes, tip jars, and recycling bins may be successful at eliciting higher levels of compliance, yet they need to be adaptive to the context.
Re-affirming values of stigmatized students can bolster their sense of self-worth and allow them to show their real skill level (e.g. performance in Cycle I exams).
Highlighting the option of taking leftover food home increased demand among dine-in customers of a fast food chain restaurant.
Nudge Lebanon encouraged shoppers at a supermarket chain to use their environmentally-friendly shopping bags more regularly through weekly SMS reminders.
Valet parking attendants delivering verbal cues to car owners increased their use of seatbelts.