Under the High Patronage of His Excellency The President of the Lebanese Republic
General Michel Aoun
The panels at BX Arabia 2019 will gather leading specialists and academics in behavioral economics and public policy experts from around the world.

Dr. Rima Afifi
Professor in the Department of Community and Behavioral Health at the College of Public Health, University of Iowa

Dr. Sumru Altug
Professor and Chair, Department of Economics, American University of Beirut

Julianne Birungi
Chief Communication for Development, UNICEF Lebanon

Dr. Saouma BouJaoude
Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, American University of Beirut, and member of the Nudge Lebanon Board of Trustees

Dr. Wandi Bruine de Bruin
Professor of Behavioral Decision Making (awarded with Leadership Chair), Leeds University Business School

Dr. Elizabeth Castle
Behavioral Insights Manager at the Department for Education, UK government

Dr. Rabih El Chammay
Head of the National Mental Health Program, Lebanese Ministry of Public Health

Dr. Mariam Chammat
Executive Advisor at the French Behavioral Insights Unit within the Interministerial Directorate for Public Transformation

Alexandra Chesterfield
Technical Specialist – Behavioral Science, UK Financial Conduct Authority

Dr. Liam Delaney
AIB Professor of Behavioural Economics, University College Dublin; Visiting Professor of Economics,
Stirling University

Dr. Barbara Fasolo
Associate Professor of Behavioral Science in the Department of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Dr. Lori Foster
Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology, North Carolina State University

Ed Gardiner
Behavioral Design Lead, Warwick Business School

Dr. Samer Kabbani
Associate Professor of Medicine, Lebanese American University, and American Board Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Mohamed El-Komi
Associate Professor at the Department of Economic and Director of the Behavioral and Economic Decision-Making Lab (BEDMLab), American University in Cairo

Dr. Dario Krpan
Assistant Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Dr. Robert Lepenies
Research Scientist, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)

Dr. Ramzi Mabsout
Assistant Professor of Economics, American University of Beirut, and member of the Nudge Lebanon Board of Trustees

Dr. Fadi Makki
Founder of Nudge Lebanon and Head of B4Development

Maha H. Makki
Co-founder of Nudge Lebanon and Director of the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program, American University of Beirut

Josh Martin
Vice President at ideas42

Ammaarah Martinus
Director of Policy, Research and Analysis at the Department of the Premier, Western Cape Government

Dr. Dina Melhem
Regional Director MENA and Senior Human Rights Advisor, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)

HE Ghassan Moukheiber
Former Lebanese MP and member of the Nudge Lebanon Board of Trustees

Faisal Naru
Head of Strategic Management and Coordination (Executive Director’s Office at OECD), and member of the Nudge Lebanon Board of Trustees

Dr. Ali Osseiran
Vice President of Academic Affairs. Nudge Lebanon

Dr. Fadi Osseiran
General Manager. Blominvest Bank

Vincent Petit
Regional Advisor, Social and Behavior Change, UNICEF MENA Regional Office

Ilona Quahe
Behavioral Insights Advisor at the Department for Education, UK government

HE Talal Al-Rahbi
Deputy Secretary General to the Supreme Council for Planning, Oman

Jon Roozenbeek
Doctoral Researcher, University of Cambridge

Joseph Scarlett Smith
Operational Behavioural Insight Lead, Behaviour, Insight and Research Team, HM Revenue and Custom

Eric Singler
General Manager, British Veterinary Association (BVA); Global CEO, BVA Nudge Unit; and Managing Director, PRS IN VIVO

Dr. Umar Taj
Research Fellow at Warwick Business School, and Founder of Nudgeathon

Britt Titus
Behavioral Science Advisor, Nudge Lebanon

James Vancel
CEO, Busara Center for Behavioral Economics